Paris, écrin de l’amour : Découvrez les lieux idéaux pour des rencontres romantiques ou passionnées

Les yeux et le cœur grand ouverts, partez à la découverte de Paris en amoureux ! Car à Paris le romantisme n’est jamais très loin, nous vous proposons une sélection d’endroits romantiques ou plus coquins, à visiter en couple, entre amis ou en célibataire.

1/ The Pont-Neuf for a flirtation with Paris

2/ Have a drink in an old pleasure house

3/ A cabaret made in Paris

4/ Furstemberg Square - a temple of romance

5/ The Silencio: the bewitching club of David Lynch

6/ Need inspiration? The Musardine bookstore!

A flirt with Paris on the Pont-Neuf

To stroll on the Pont-Neuf... is to flirt with Paris! In your lover's arms, sitting on its benches, in the hollow of its corbels, admiring the stars, the parade of boats, and at nightfall, the illumination of the monuments surrounding it.

Ici, vous êtes au cœur de Paris, là où tout a commencé. Sur les traces des Parisii, les tous premiers habitants, des Romains bâtisseurs, des Vikings arrivés par milliers on the Seine. pour assiéger et piller Paris… Sur les pas des rois de France, des petits métiers de la rue, des bourgeois, des voyous, des artistes… et des amants du pont-Neuf.

Construit au tout début du XVIIe siècle, sous Henry IV, le pont-Neuf est le plus ancien de Paris et le premier entièrement fait de pierre. S’il est devenu une icône romantique, il a été aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, un lieu important de commerce, de divertissement et de rencontre.

Have a drink in a Belle Epoque "pleasure house.

Immerse yourself in the naughty Paris of the Belle Epoque, during which pleasure and decadence were the rules. At the turn of the XXth century, there were nearly 120 pleasure houses in the capital. Some of these houses, more commonly known as "brothels" (because they had to close doors and shutters so that no one could see what was going on from the street), were very luxurious.

Deux d’entre elles, l’Hôtel Alevy et le Marguery, respectivement devenues le Carmen et le Delaville Café, ont été transformées en bar de nuit et en bistrot, tout en gardant leurs somptueux décors : moulures, plafonds peints, sculptures, dorures… La volupté de ces lieux si secrets, demeure.

Carmen owes its name to the eponymous masterpiece that George Bizet, a guest of the Alevy Hotel, composed there.

Le Carmen – 34 rue Duperré, 9e arrondissement

Delaville café – 34 boulevard Bonne nouvelle, 10e arrondissement

A cabaret made in Paris!

It's not just a cliché. Paris is the city of cabarets. Today places of pleasure and entertainment, the Parisian cabarets, born in Montmartre in the XIXth century (when Montmartre was still a small town on the outskirts), were the first places of restoration. The first cabaretiers were the modest inhabitants of the hillock who offered food and drink to the Parisians during their country and Sunday walks. With the growing success of these bucolic eating places, the cabarets became the places of entertainment we know over the century. The artists met there, presented themselves there, the whole of Paris went there to discover new pleasures...

If cabarets have lost some of their former craziness, some have kept the quality, subversion, and originality of their beginning.

La Nouvelle Eve, located a few steps from the Moulin Rouge, was founded in 1898. It is here that the first nude revue of Paris was created in 1920! Between cabaret and music hall, the shows are composed of many numbers, particularly of the famous and always sulfurous French Cancan.

The Crazy Horse is probably the sexiest cabaret in Paris. The bodies of the dancers, dressed in their iconic wigs, are beautifully wrapped in light.

Chez Michou is a Montmartre institution founded by the famous and late Montmartrean, Michou. The specialty of this family house, with its relaxed and glittering atmosphere, is transformism. Authentic experience guaranteed!

La Nouvelle Eve, 25 rue Pierre Fontaine, 9e arrondissement

Le Crazy Horse, 12 avenue George V, 8e arrondissement

Chez Michou, 80 rue des Martyrs, 18e arrondissement

Furstemberg Square - a temple of romance

Nichée au cœur de l’ancienne abbaye Saint-Germain-des-Prés, dans le 6e arrondissement, la discrète et splendide place Furstemberg est un bijoux méconnu de la capitale. Entourée d’étroites ruelles aux allures médiévales, on raconte que cette place est le plus ancien et le plus petit rond-point de la capitale. C’était le lieu des chevaux et des calèches au temps de l’abbaye. Rappelons que cette abbaye date du 6e siècle !

The street lamps, the trees, the houses... make this place an actual temple of romance, ideal for a first date.

In one of the corners of the square is the Eugene Delacroix Museum, one of the most famous French romantic painters. This house was the last residence of the artist.

The Silencio - the bewitching club of David Lynch

"Going down to the Silencio means entering a David Lynch film set. The atypical American director has rearranged this club in the image of his best films. The acoustics, the light, the furniture design... he thought of everything. As of the entry, you will borrow the staircase with the felted steps (provoking a silence as disconcerting as bewitching), which will lead you to the bar.

Even though this night spot is a quasi-private club, the experience is such that we could remember it on our list. You'll have to be at your best after 11 pm when it opens its doors to the public!

Le Silencio, 142 rue Montmartre, 2e arrondissement

Need inspiration? : The Musardine bookstore!

The only erotic bookshop in Paris, La Musardine, is full of erotic and pornographic literature. The choice is vast and protean. You will undoubtedly find the object you want novels, comics, photo novels, poetry collections... Enough to awaken your imagination. Do not hesitate to ask for advice.

So, Paris is a city of love, cliché, or reality?



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