When Parisians are asked about the advantages of living in the capital, one answer always gets unanimous consent: culture. And with good reason! Paris is undeniably the artistic and cultural heart of our country. From its legendary museums to the exhibitions that parade and succeed each other throughout the year, including theaters, cinemas, salons, stand-up venues, concerts, street performances, and outdoor events... Paris is an effusion of culture of all kinds. Classical, pop, urban, contemporary, and so on, there is something for every taste and, above all, for every age.Because we know that you probably already know about the Louvre, the Petit and Grand Palais, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Palais de Tokyo; in this article, Parisi Tour has decided to tell you a little more about the lesser-known museums of Paris, which nevertheless are worth visiting at least once in your life!So, ready for the tour?
1. The Palais de la Découverte.
We just thought we should warn you; get ready to become a kid again! The Palais de la Découverte is perhaps the most interactive museum in Paris, which makes it undeniably one of the most interesting!
Astronomy and planetarium, biology, chemistry, physics, life, and earth sciences, in this immense palace known as "Universcience", you'll discover everything related to our life and our universe in an original and playful manner through experimentation.
Indeed, this museum allows visitors to try certain experiments to understand better and integrate them. Become a researcher and a scientist for just a few hours and leave the museum amused and educated!
Location: Avenue Franklin D.Roosevelt - Paris 8th arrondissement.
2. The Atelier des Lumières (Workshop of lights)
The Atelier des Lumières is more of an exhibition room than a museum, but we couldn't mention it in this article as it is so magical. From a former factory on Chemin-Vert Street, it was transformed in 2013 into a digital art centre by Bruno Monnier, president of Culturespaces.
Since then, L'Atelier des Lumières has aimed to create bridges between the generations by linking historical art to the modernity of digital technology. And it couldn't be more successful! Stroll through the four corners of the warehouse while glazing at the works of a featured artist are projected, broadcast and gradually drawn on the walls, all set to a background of music deliberately chosen for the occasion.
All this gives us a sense of complete immersion into the paintings and the artist's universe for a magical and timeless moment.
Location: 38 Rue Saint-Maur - Paris 11e arrondissement.
3. The Grande Galerie de l'Évolution (Gallery of Evolution)
"They don't speak, but they say everything" in just a few words, this sentence alone sums up the essence of this fascinating gallery. Because yes, for both children and adults, this gallery fascinates us to the point of deep contemplation. And who would want to miss that? It's not every day you get to see a mammoth, a white shark, or an entire dinosaur skeleton.
From the animals of our land to those of the deep sea that we'll never meet (we hope you won't anyway!) and the sky travellers, we never cease to be amazed by their models!
Location: 36 rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire - Paris 5e arrondissement.
4. The Jardin des Plantes (Garden of Plants)
Right next to the Grande Galerie de l'évolution and the Museum of Natural History is the Jardin des Plantes, which one would almost forget to call a museum. Wrong! This huge garden hosts numerous exhibitions every year and is a true source of information for those who love and are interested in our beloved Mother Nature.
When you enter the giant greenhouses of the Jardin des Plantes, you'll plunge into unknown environments that can only be found at the other end of the world, in places that are sometimes still unexplored or unexplorable. From deserts and arid climates to tropical rainforests, this unique and unprecedented museum lets you discover nature in all its forms and states!
Venue: 57 rue Cuvier - Paris 5th arrondissement.
5. Les Pavillons de Bercy
Get ready to be amazed by this colorful museum that has all the characteristics of a living show. Les Pavillons de Bercy come in three halls: the Musée des Arts Forains, the Théâtre du Merveilleux, and the Salons Vénitiens, as well as several exteriors including the Théâtre de Verdure, all scenographed by Jean-Paul Favand.
In a festive and magical atmosphere, you can discover and visit the funfair, the carnival, the cabin of curiosities and the extraordinary gardens. And for the more curious people, you should know that in this unique museum, you are allowed, and it's even recommended to touch everything you want. Even better, it's possible to participate in the attractions and the different rides exhibited there.
Venue: 53 avenue des Terroirs de France - Paris 12th arrondissement.
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